Friday, March 14, 2014

Introduction to the Human Microbiome Project

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            Facing stereotypes, it’s something that many have dealt with directly or indirectly and it is realized that even when given accurate information some have tremendous difficulty eradicating these ingrained beliefs.  One widespread stereotype is the concepts on bacteria. From a young age many have been trained to avoid bacteria to prevent illness by measures including hygienic practices, consuming food properly handled and cooked, drinking clean water, and avoiding others with visible illness. While it is extremely important to take the appropriate measures to maintain health and avoid disease, in recent times major discoveries have revealed that the majority or bacteria and microorganisms are harmless and can even be beneficial. In 2007 hundreds in the scientific community set out to map the microbial make-up of healthy individuals (National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2012). This project was named the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) and the findings from this project have truly changed the fundamental understandings of the relationship microorganisms have with humans! 

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